Raise GPA Calculator

Use this raise GPA calculator tool to help set, plan, and track your GPA goals with ease.

Raise GPA

About The Raise GPA Calculator

This raise GPA calculator tool helps you to set, plan, and track your GPA goals. It specifically allows you to see what GPA and or credits you need in a semester to achieve your desired GPA.

How to use the calculator

1. Enter Your Current GPA and Credits: Start by inputting your current GPA and the total number of credits you’ve earned so far. If you’re unsure of your current GPA, use our GPA calculator to find it.
2. Set Your Goals: Input your desired GPA and a realistic, maintainable average GPA for the upcoming semester.
3. Input Your Semester Details: Enter the number of credits you plan to take this semester and your target GPA for the semester.
4. Review Your Results: The calculator will automatically process the information and display two results. The first shows how many credits you’ll need while maintaining your set GPA to reach your desired overall GPA. The second reveals the GPA you’ll need to average this semester to hit your target GPA. Note that the results fields are greyed out for clarity.

How the calculator works

This GPA calculator helps you set and achieve your academic goals by processing your inputted grades through two key formulas. First, it calculates the number of credits you’ll need to reach your desired GPA. Then, it determines the GPA you’ll need to average in a semester to achieve that target. With these insights, you can better plan, set, and track your GPA objectives effectively.

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