Easy Grader Calculator

Use this easy grader calculator to easily and quickly calculate grades. It works for tests, quizzes, exams, and more.

Easy Grader




About The Easy Grader Calculator

This free and online easy grader calculator tool helps you to easily and quickly calculate your grades. With just a few basic inputs, you can quickly calculate your percentage grade from tests, quizzes, exams, and more. This is a fantastic tool for students, educators, and parents who want to save time on grading.

How to use the easy grader

1. Input Total Questions: Start by entering the total number of questions on your test, quiz, or exam.
2. Enter Incorrect Answers: Input the total number of questions you got wrong.
3. Review Your Grade: The calculator will instantly compute and display your resulting grade.

How the calculator works

The easy grader calculator simplifies grading by taking your input—such as the total number of questions and the number of incorrect answers—and automatically calculating your percentage grade.

Here’s how it works: The calculator subtracts the number of wrong answers from the total questions to determine the number of correct answers. It then divides the correct answers by the total questions and multiplies the result by 100, giving you your percentage grade instantly.